Andrew Ness, Dean, International

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Andrew (Drew) Ness as our new Dean of International.

Andrew comes to Humber with more than thirty-years’ experience in higher education in Canada and around the globe. Since early 2012, Andrew has led the international services department at Sheridan College. Under his leadership, as Director of International, Sheridan’s international enrolment has grown to 5,000 students annually, which is 25% of Sheridan’s total enrollment. Andrew has extensive experience in international partnership development, international registrar operations and student engagement.

His career has also included work at Queen’s (Associate Registrar) and Wilfrid Laurier (Manager Recruitment) universities, at the federal college of the United Arab Emirates, and as the sole Canadian staff member of Noel-Levitz (now Ruffalo Noel-Levitz), solving admissions and retention issues for colleges and universities throughout North America. Andrew has a Bachelor’s Degree in Music from Wilfrid Laurier University and an MBA from the Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto. 

Andrew will join Humber on September 26th. 

Alister Mathieson
Vice-President, Advancement and External Affairs