CAAT Pension Plan Member Newsletter - October 2016

October 7, 2016

Retirement Planning resources

3 approaches to planning your retirement
“When do you want to retire?” A simple question with a lot of different answers. Everyone has a different scenario in their minds when they consider when to retire. Fortunately, the CAAT Pension Plan offers flexible retirement dates. Here are three common approaches: Read more...

Direct deposit in one easy step
The new Direct Deposit form makes it easy for you to send your banking information to the CAAT Pension Plan when it’s time to start your pension, or if you are setting up a one-time deposit for a lump sum cash payment. Read more...

Learn more about Plan governance

How investments contribute to your benefit security
Did you know that for every dollar of pension paid, only about 25 cents come from member and employer contributions? The rest comes from investment earnings, and demonstrates why a strong investment program is vital for the Plan. This month, we introduce the experts behind the Plan’s strong investment performance, and see how their efforts contribute to your benefit security. Read more...

Dedicated to good governance
As the CAAT Pension Plan is a jointly-sponsored pension plan, employers and members together share responsibility for your retirement security through governance representation. The following changes have recently taken place on the Board of Trustees and the Sponsors’ Committee. Read more...

Getting to know your member ID
During the course of your membership in the Plan you receive correspondence from us, such as Annual Statements, membership and retirement certificates, and option documents. You may have noticed that some of your documents now contain a six-digit number referred to as your Member ID. Read more...

Get to know your pension plan

Retirement made easy
Being a member of the CAAT Pension Plan is an easy and cost-effective way to save for retirement. As a member of the CAAT Pension Plan, you’re already on the road to having a secure pension that is paid for life. Read more...

Understanding part-time membership
Membership in the CAAT Pension Plan is automatic for regular full-time employees of participating employers upon hire. But what if you’re a part-time or contract employee? Read more...