Please see the information below regarding changes to the out-of-country coverage due to COVID-19.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact your Compensation & Benefits Specialist:
Hannah Song | Compensation & Benefits Specialist | | Full time last name A-I |
Denise Giacomelli | Compensation & Benefits Specialist | | Full time last name N-Z |
Ginette Ng-Tin-Sze | Compensation & Benefits Specialist | | Full time last name J-M; all partial load/clinical employees |
Out-of-Country (OOC) Coverage
When the COVID-19 situation first emerged, Sun Life had announced administrative exceptions for out-of-country claims effective February 1, 2020. As the situation is rapidly evolving, these practices will be changing.
For employees who are leaving Canada to travel on or after March 18, 2020, the administrative exceptions announced in February will not apply. This is in-line with the Government of Canada’s efforts to prevent non-essential travel and repatriate Canadians traveling abroad.
The following will not be available under the out-of-country travel benefit for employees on or after March 18:
- Coverage of any expenses during and after a period of quarantine (directed by a doctor or public health official), unless the plan member shows symptoms of or has tested positive for COVID-19
In order for emergency medical services and expenses to be eligible for coverage, employees must meet the definition for “medical emergency” and “emergency services”. “Medical emergency” is defined as an acute illness or accidental injury that requires immediate, medically necessary treatment prescribed by a doctor and “emergency services” as any reasonable medical services and supplies, including advice, treatment, medical procedures or surgery, required as a result of an emergency. These definitions have not changed. Sun Life will treat a medical emergency resulting from COVID-19 in the same way as any other medical emergency outside of Canada.
Employees who are currently abroad, but not in quarantine and cannot return home will continue to have access to out-of-country coverage up to the 60-day limit under the Plan. After this time, they will not have out-of-country coverage.
If an employee or their dependent needs the immediate attention of a doctor for a medical emergency, they must contact Allianz for assistance:
In the USA and Canada call: | 1-800-511-4610 |
From anywhere else: | 1-519-514-0351 |
Fax: | 1-519-514-0374 |
Allianz is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Dedicated Plan Member COVID-19 Webpage
An email was sent out on behalf of Jacques Goulet, President of Sun Life Canada, to all plan members regarding a dedicated Sun Life webpage for COVID-19. Plan members can refer to this page for updates regarding COVID-19, along with resources for staying healthy and informed, and how to weather market volatility. Colleges may refer their employees to the webpage, or directly to Lumino Health. Lumino Health has launched a stress and anxiety explorer to help employees find information, resources and solutions that are relevant for them. This can help employees understand stress and anxiety, find resources and support, and discover Canadian mental health partners that offer resources and solutions.