College Council Highlights: May 2016

June 14, 2016

Humber College Council held its ninth meeting of the 2015-16 academic year on Thursday, May 19 at the North Campus. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives and important issues, College Council reports the highlights of its monthly meetings.  For more information or to provide feedback on the highlights, please contact

New Programs

  • The School of Social and Community Services (SSCS) will be offering a new two-year Diploma program in Fire Services. This program prepares students with the in-depth knowledge, skills and abilities required by professional Fire & Emergency Services. It also provides them with theory, practices and principles of emergency services, fire science, fire prevention, and physical & mental health and safety.  In addition, there are a number of pathways available to students through various programs in SSCS, including the existing Pre-Service Firefighter Education & Training Certificate. The anticipated start date of this program is September 2017.
  • The Business School will be offering a new two-semester Graduate Certificate program in Insurance Management – Property & Casualty. The first of its kind in the GTA, this program provides students with 7 of 10 required courses needed for the Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) designation from Insurance Institute of Canada (IIC) as well as an array of transferrable professional management skills. There are many existing pathways into this through this program already at Humber and it fulfils a need for the insurance industry where there are shortages of trained professionals. The anticipated start date of this program is September 2017. 
  • The Business School will be offering a three-semester Graduate Certificate program in Paralegal. The first of its kind in the west GTA, this program provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to complete the Law Society of Upper Canada’s Paralegal Licensing exams. It also provides students with an opportunity to more highly develop their written and oral communication, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The anticipated start date for this program is September 2017.
  • The School of Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism (HRT) will be offering a three-semester Graduate Certificate program in Wellness Coaching. This program, which includes an internship in its third semester, is provided in a hybrid delivery model that includes online components, 12 face-to-face evening classes and 6 weekend intensives. It places an emphasis on the advanced skills that support sustainable behaviour change and teaches students to promote disease prevention and healthy behaviour change in such areas as stress management, healthy eating, active lifestyle, sleep habits and smoking cessation. Anticipated start dates will either be May 2017 or January 2018.

Degree Consent Renewals

The following three degree programs are currently undergoing a program review and applications will be submitted for their Consent Renewal (which are scheduled to expire on August 30, 2017):

  • Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) degree
  • Honours Bachelor of Child & Youth Care degree
  • Honours Bachelor of Public Relations degree

Business Plan and Budget

A. Kaufman, Manager of Strategic Planning and S. Ghandi, Associate Director of Financial Planning presented the 2016-17 Business Plan and Budget to College Council. The Business Plan presentation highlighted the Year 4 strategies and initiatives that will move Humber towards achieving its five-year goals and success outcomes included the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan. The Budget presentation highlighted the guiding principles behind Humber’s budget development as well as 2016-17 assumptions regarding operational activities (core and non-core), ancillary activities and strategic investments.

Nominations for Chair and Vice Chair Positions

After a call for nominations for the Chair and Vice Chair positions, Nancey Adamson was acclaimed as Chair and Risa Handler as Vice Chair effective June 8, 2016.

In keeping with Council’s mandate to report back to the President on key items, members of Council met in small working groups to discuss the evening’s presentations and compiled comments and recommendations that will be brought to the President.

The next meeting of College Council will be held on Tuesday, June 7, at the North Campus.