The Humber College Council (HCC) held its first meeting of the 2020-2021 academic year on Thursday, September 17, 2020, online using Microsoft Teams. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, the College Council reports the highlights of its meetings. For more information or to provide feedback on these highlights, please contact
Opening Remarks
Chris Whitaker [President, Humber College] provided opening remarks. He began with sharing that having students and faculty approved to be on campus this summer provided an opportunity to test safety plans and protocols on a limited scale. As a result of this learning opportunity, we continue to tweak our models of delivery and our safety protocols continue to become more sophisticated.
As we are being challenged this academic year, this is an opportunity for us to be innovative and put into practice what we are teaching our students: innovation, adaptability and resilience.
While enrollment for the fall semester has fallen short of our original target, we have exceeded our modified target, which was revised in May. While domestic enrollment increased, international enrollment in down. Eighty percent of courses are being taught remotely while, twenty percent are being taught on campus. This amounts to 6-7000 students a week on campus. The winter semester is expected to be very similar to the fall based on an increasing number of positive COVID-19 cases being reported.
Indigenous Education and Engagement - Naawsidoong Mino Nawendiwin: Building Good Relationships
Jason Seright [Dean, Indigenous Education and Engagement] and Regina Hartwick [Associate Dean, Indigenous Education and Engagement] provided an update on the anticipated launch of the 4 Seasons of Reconciliation Training and to introduce the priorities and strategic connections to the newly revised Indigenous Education Plan [IEP].
The 4 Seasons of Reconciliation is a multi-media teaching unit that promotes a renewed relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canadians, through transformative learning. A goal is that all Humber staff/faculty will have completed 4 Seasons of Reconciliation by end of Summer 2021.
The IEP is in its final draft and is to be reviewed and endorsed by the Indigenous Education Council before being launched. Once finalized this plan will be implemented Humber wide. Its priorities include creating inclusive governance and campus culture, excellence in Indigenous education, culturally rich, safe and supportive learning environments and collaborative community engagement. The goal of this plan is to increase Indigenous student success and enrollment which in return, benefits all students. This plan is based on wise practices and research around Indigenous Education.
Student Support and Success Services in our Current Reality
Ian Crookshank [Dean of Students] gave a status update on the supports that are available and indicated how students may go about accessing them.
Services that are now exclusively available to students virtually include: PALS (Peer Assisted Learning Supports), the Math and Writing Centre, Advising and Career Services, SWAC (Student Wellness and Accessibility Centre), and the Office of Student Conduct.
Other programs are available through social media or through the web and include LGBTQ+, the BASE (Black Academic Success and Engagement), Athletics and Recreation, Sexual Violence Prevention and Education, Orientation, Student Life and the Test Centre.
I. Crookshank noted that there were some challenges associated with virtual offerings. For example, equitable access to inclusive learning environments are not always available; technological barriers associated with wifi, devices, etc; and virtual spaces have not replaced physical spaces where students feel connected and a sense of belonging.
Student callback and outreach programs, leveraging digital communications (Podcasts, IGTV, staff/student wellness via virtual live classes), digital learning support and changes to testing services are innovations that were developed over the summer in an effort to continue supporting our students.
The next meeting of the College Council will be held on Thursday, October 15, 2020. For meeting highlights, supporting materials, and opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the College Council website.