Corinna Fitzgerald Director, Student Life Programs

I’m pleased to announce the appointment of Corinna Fitzgerald to the position of Director, Student Life Programs within the Department of Student Success and Engagement. Corinna comes to Humber College from St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, where she has served as Director, Student Life since 2010. Before heading to St.FX, she worked at McMaster University as the Judicial Affairs Coordinator (responsible for the adjudication of the Residence, Athletics and Student Codes of Conduct) and played a key role in driving policy and practice that was grounded in student success and student development theory. Her experience also includes working as a Residence Life Manager, supporting a positive living and learning environment for students.

Truly a believer in life-long learning, Corinna (who hails originally from Baie Verte, Newfoundland) completed a Master of Arts degree in Labour Studies while at McMaster. This complements her Master of Education in Post-Secondary Studies from Memorial University and an undergraduate degree in psychology from Grenfell College – Memorial University.

Corinna has held executive positions within a number of provincial, regional and national boards, and was a founding member of the Canadian Association of College and University Student Services (CACUSS) division for student conduct administrators. Currently, she is a Member at Large of the CACUSS board. Corinna has presented on the topic of student conduct systems, student behaviour and mental health at several national conferences.

In her role as Director, Student Life Progams at Humber, Corinna will work with the SLP team to provide leadership and guidance to the areas of Judicial Affairs, Orientation, Transition and Leadership Programs, Residence Life, Town and Gown relations, and Inter-faith Chaplaincy Services. She will also work closely with our colleagues in the Humber Students’ Federation. Please join me in welcoming Corinna to the SSE team, and the Humber community.


Jen McMillen
Dean of Students