Creative Panel - Space & Design

March 4, 2015

The L Space Gallery will be hosting one more moderated panel discussion that will continue to explore the various facets of Creativity. 

Below is the information for the remaining winter panel. We are looking for interested faculty, staff, and admin who want to be a part of the conversation. 

1.Topic: Space and Design. How the built environment affects our creativity.
a. When: Tuesday, March 31st 12:30pm to 2:00pm 
b. Where: L Space Gallery L 1002, Lakeshore campus 

We are looking for 2 panelists to speak for approximately 5-7 minutes about the topic and its effect on their professional role. You will then be a part of a question and answer period for the remainder of the hour. We are looking for anyone and everyone who wants to be a part of this conversation (faculty, support staff, admin). 

This is a way to see what our peers are doing, foster discussion, and expand our ideas and networks. This is also a great way for students to see what fuels the staff at Humber College. What better way to get the creative juices flowing than a mid-week inspiration boost centered around creativity?! 

Please fill in the attached form and send it to by end of day March 6th. You will be notified about the panel by December 9th. 

2-3 Sentences about your interest in the panel topic:

Thank you for your interest!
L Space Gallery