Crossing the Picket Line at Humber

With the faculty strike ongoing, please note that the College has received reports of incidents on the picket lines. We’d like to take the opportunity to remind the Humber community about protocol for crossing the picket line. Please be respectful of those who are on strike and avoid any confrontations.

Please consider the following points:

In a work stoppage, picketers are legally permitted to:

  • Carry signs stating the nature of the dispute.
  • Speak to you about their concerns.
  • Ask you to join the picket line, but cannot force you to do so.
  • Picketers are supposed to keep moving and allow passage, though there may be delays.

You may find the following suggestions useful when crossing a picket line:

  • Approach the picket line slowly.
  • Whether driving, walking or biking onto campus, be prepared to stop. Be prepared to wait until you can safely pass through the picket line. Be prepared for delays. Remember to operate your vehicle in a safe and lawful fashion. Roll down your vehicle window or otherwise indicate your willingness to communicate with the picketers.
  • Explain politely that you are exercising your legal right to come on campus or your obligation to report to work, or to conduct business on campus.
  • The picketers may provide you with information and wish to discuss the issues with you. If you are either unable or unwilling to engage them, please consider using the following response: “I’d like to exercise my right to come to work or to come on campus. Please let me cross the picket line.”
  • All college entrances are monitored through the use of electronic surveillance equipment.
  • College Public Safety officers will be monitoring the activity on the picket line.

If you are not allowed through the picket line, or if you feel threatened, do not attempt to force your way in. Do not become involved in any arguments or type of altercation. If you feel uncomfortable and wish to speak to someone for support you may call the HR hotline at: 416.675.6622 x5600. Above all, please exercise patience.