Custodial Service Update

July 8, 2014

As a result of a competitive process, Sodexo Canada has been awarded the North and Lakeshore cleaning contracts as of July 2nd 2014. Facilities Management is aware of issues with service delivery which occurred last week during transition between service providers, and are actively working through resolution.

During the next 4 weeks, you may notice changes to cleaning schedules and service levels as Sodexo Management implements modifications designed to improve overall cleaning standards at the College. Your patience with this process is greatly appreciated. Please be assured that the transition is being carefully monitored by the Facilities Management department.

In order for us to monitor service delivery and area requirements well, please place all service requests via our online work order system located at

If you have any additional questions or concerns during the transition, please contact John Schroder at extension 4107 for the North Campus, or Scott Skrinar extension 3634 for Lakeshore Campus.

Many thanks,

Spencer Wood
Associate Director, Maintenance and Operations