Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Warmup week

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Warmup week

For #CyberMonth2023, we’re stepping up our cyber fitness. It's all about stretching your cyber security muscles and taking things one step at a time! Cyber security is a shared responsibility, so join us accross the organization to promote cyber security by participating in Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

The best workouts always begin with a good warmup. This week, we'll lay the groundwork for the rest of the Cybersecurity Awareness Month, covering topics like common cyber threats, tools that can keep you safe online and simple steps to start and pratice getting cyber safe.

2023 Common Threats
This module explains some of the latest ways that cybercriminals are targeting you and the organization. It demonstrates two new spins on some old tricks to show how cybercriminals get information from you and access your computer as well as the organization's network.

To learn some common cyber threats, check out the training module "2023 Common Threats."

Secure Online Behaviour at Home
Here at Humber College, we want to ensure that end users maintain both security and privacy while fulfilling their job duties. This module focuses on how to strengthen those efforts by highlighting the importance of personal security.

To learn how to be secure online, check out the training module "Secure Online Behaviour at Home."

Just like starting a new fitness routine, finding the motivation to become your best, most safe self can be tough. But with the right coach (or your colleagues at Humber), you can accomplish even the most daunting tasks. Its all about warmup week!

Complete this week's training for an entry into our weekly raffle draw.

Week One's training material:

Please complete the online training course.
To support our planned activities and to experiment with new technologies, we will be delivering some additional materials within Microsoft Teams thereby enabling collaboration and employee engagement. To participate, join the GetCyberSafe Microsoft Team, and we will keep you informed as we release new material and activities. To join the Teams, do one of the following:

Option 1

Using Microsoft Teams Link

  • Follow this link: GetCyberSafe
  • This link will take you directly into teams.

Sounds Suspicious Right? That’s why we’ve included option 2.

Option 2

Using Teams Code

  • Open Teams (or access Teams through the Office Portal)
  • On the left side of the app, click the Teams icon  
  • Click Join or create a Team
  • Go to Join a team with a code (the second tile)
  • In the Enter code box, type the code: f16dht6.
  • Click Join, Go to Channel #CyberMonth2023

IT Security
Information Technology Services