Dawn Bryan Passes Away

November 25, 2013

On Friday, November 22, 2013, we learned the terribly sad news that Dawn Bryan, a long service staff member at Humber, had passed away.

Dawn started working at Humber in 1985, retiring in 2011. During her time at Humber, Dawn worked tirelessy to support students in a variety of areas, including The Business School and Counselling and Disability Services. At the time of retirement, Dawn was working as a Disability Services Officer and helped countless students navigate the college environment. Her commitment to student success was felt daily by her colleagues, and most importantly, by the students themselves.

If you wish to join the Humber community today to honour Dawn, please find the details regarding service arrangements here.

Our thoughts go out to her friends and family during this most difficult time.


Jen McMillen
Dean of Students