The Education and Skills Inventory (EASI)

October 4, 2016

Humber will be participating in a study with the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) called The Education and Skills Inventory (EASI). 
The Education and Skills Inventory (EASI) measures the literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills of first- and final- year students using the Education and Skills Online assessment.

Overall, 11 Ontario College, 5 Ontario Universities and 3 out-of-province institutions are partnering to assess 8,600 college students and 3,800 university students. The core focus of this assessment is to answer the following:

  • Are there any observable differences in the literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills of incoming and graduating students?
  • Are there any observable differences in the skills when comparing across different program clusters?
  • What are the practical implications of implementing a tool like the ESO in a post secondary institution?

Participating students will benefit by receiving their results immediately and can use this information to enhance their overall learning experience. Student recruitment will begin October 11, 2016.