February Issue: Student Health 101

February 5, 2013

As a service to the Humber and University of Guelph-Humber community, we are providing an online subscription to Student Health 101 for our students and their families. Student Health 101 is a monthly health and wellness magazine just for students and their families. Each issue contains valuable information that will help students make better decisions and can help them gain a better understanding of the health and wellness challenges that face them today.

The February student issue can be found online at: read101.ca/humber.html

The February issue of The Parent Perspective can be found online at: read101.ca/humber-pp.html

For those of you who interacting and communicating with students and their families, please pass along this information.

You are also invited to read the issue as it contains a lot of great information on a variety of topics for students.

If you have any questions or concerns about the magazine, please feel free to contact either Dayana Perez (dayana.perez@humber.ca) or Usha Rajpal (usha.rajpal@guelphhumber.ca).

P.S. You might recognize some familiar faces of staff, faculty and students in the issue!

Happy reading!