Grace: One Story of Thousands

Grace: One Story of Thousands follows the life and experiences of Grace, one of the 1,511 people buried in the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital Cemetery at the corner of Horner and Evans Avenues in south Etobicoke. Through personal letters and surviving hospital records gathered by Grace’s great-niece, you are invited to pause and reflect on a life lived – not defined – by the institutional system in Ontario.

With a shift toward historical accuracy, personhood, and agency, the Interpretive Centre invites you to experience history through a new perspective.

We are grateful to everyone whose ongoing work in research, education, and destigmatization have guided this exhibition. This work would not have been possible without the research, dedication, and care of Marg Tumilty, Ed Janiszewski, and Anne Zbitnew. Additionally, we thank Anne Zbitnew, Lucy Pauker, and Staz Guzar for their collaborative artwork.

Learn more about the exhbition