Hate Has No Place in Our Communities

On September 20, anti-2SLGBTQ+ protests will be taking place in Toronto.

Hate has no place in our communities. 

Humber acts in solidarity with groups, like The 519, that are leading counter protests against hate, as well as the policies and guidelines that could have negative and possibly dangerous consequences for 2SLGBTQ+ youth. 2SLGBTQ+ students should feel safe at school to come out in whatever way they choose.

At Humber, we value the contributions, expertise, lived experience and invaluable perspectives that the members of the 2SLBGTQ+ community bring to our workplace and learning environments. Humber in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ Resource Centres and the 2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource group work together to promote a safe place for all.

As a physical reminder of our commitment to provide a healthy and inclusive environment for all staff and students, and a visual representation of allyship, this weekend we are scheduled to install a Pride flag crosswalk outside of the Learning Resource Commons at North Campus. Future plans for similar displays at Lakeshore Campus are under development.

It is one way of acknowledging the contributions and importance of Humber’s 2SLGBTQ+ community members year-round, and it is a symbol of the college’s support for the rights and safety of all.  

Resources and support are available throughout the academic year at the LGBTQ+ Resource Centres at North and Lakeshore campuses and through the 2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group. In addition: 

Staff are encouraged to access the Employee Assistance Plan services or to connect with their manager for support as needed.