HELP Survey

January 24, 2013

HELP is happening this week!
January 21 – February 3, 2013

What is HELP?

  • HELP is the Humber Engagement and Learning Profile survey for incoming students.

Who is HELP for?

  • HELP asks incoming first-semester students in certificate, diploma and degree programs to tell us about their preparation for college, their educational and career goals, early opinions about their program and Humber generally, and to identify particular student support services they may use.
  • Participating students are entered into a draw for more than $1,000 in prizes, including money towards tuition and a Tablet Computer sponsored by the Humber Students Federation (HSF).

When does it happen?

  • The HELP survey is open to students this week! (January 21 – February 3, 2013).
  •  The survey is administered online and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Why is HELP important?

  • Students tell us how we can help them be successful at Humber, and receive individualized emails and timely information about Humber’s services based on areas of assistance they identified as beneficial!
  •  Humber Institutional Research creates reports based on student responses to key questions and distribute these to student service areas as well as academic faculty/staff; identifies those who are struggling or at-risk of leaving early.
  • Aggregate data at the program, school and college levels will help us to develop institutional retention strategies that will help more students be successful in their program.

Where can you get HELP info?

  • For more information about the survey or reports please contact Humber Institutional Research.

Ruth MacKay, Director at or 416.675.6622 ext. 4630
Pat VanHorne, Manager at or 416.675.6622 ext. 4943

Improving student success is an institutional priority, and benefits all of us!