For more than ten years Humber has expressed its commitment to Indigenous education, recognizing the importance of building culturally safe and respectful environments across all levels of the institution. As part of this priority, we are committed to strengthening our approach to engaging with Indigenous learners, families and communities as key partners and resounding voices informing our goals and priorities. To that end, we have engaged with many of you though an assortment of consultation processes designed to shape Indigenous engagement initiatives for years to come.
One of the recommendations that were made was a revisioning of the Aboriginal Resource Centre’s name. While the name Aboriginal Resource Centre will always have a special place in our hearts, there have been a number of concerns raised that we would like to address. For example, while the term "Aboriginal" does collectively refer to First Nations, Métis and Inuit people in Canada, it is viewed by many as an imposed term due to its positioning and prevalence in government policy. In contrast, the term ‘Indigenous’ or ‘Indigenous peoples’ has grown as a preferred term due to its emergence in response to international movements. As a result, many of you have indicated a preference for the word “Indigenous” or “Indigenous peoples” due to its linkage with self-determination and activism, rather than government policy. Added to this, many of you indicated a belief that serving as a "resource" is only a part of what we do.
As a result, we're reaching out for your opinion and suggestions in choosing our new name!