Humber’s First International Alumni Event in India

January 27, 2015

The International Centre, in collaboration with Humber Alumni and the High Commission of Canada in New Delhi, held Humber’s first India-based international alumni event this week. This is one of several international alumni events organized in recent years. In November 2013, an alumni event took place in Kaohsiung, Taiwan for graduates of the program that Humber jointly administers with National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality & Tourism. In June 2014, an alumni reunion took place in Ningbo, China, for graduates of the Business Administration program jointly administered by Humber in Canada and Ningbo and Jimei Universities in China.

In attendance at the Delhi event was Diane Simpson (Dean, International), Bill Angelakos (Associate Dean, Applied Technology), and Tania Spoljaric-Sherwood (Manager, International Recruitment and Market Development). The event was attended by graduates residing in and around Delhi, as well as their spouses, parents, and friends. Other representatives of Humber, the India-Canada Alumni Network (ICAN), and the High Commission also took part in the reception. Music was performed by four graduates of Humber’s Music Degree programs, whose careers have taken them abroad to and Delhi in recent years.

More information is available here

Photo Caption: Mohammad Harris Riaz (Director, Go Abroad Training Institute & Humber Alumnus), his family members, and Diane Simpson (Dean, International)