Humber and Seneca Sign Milestone Pathway Agreement to Increase Learning Opportunities

As many of you know, the Humber-Seneca Polytechnic Partnership was launched in 2018.

The Humber-Seneca Polytechnic Partnership (HSPP) has expanded learning opportunities for students as they begin, continue or complete their post-secondary education with either institution. 

A recently signed milestone pathways agreement has established more than 200 pathways between the two polytechnic institutions, increasing opportunities for degree completion in business, public safety, mental health, data science and analysis, and interdisciplinary studies.

The HSPP pathway agreement creates various options to build on diplomas in areas like business, where students can choose degree options with specializations in management, accounting and finance, fashion and human resources.  The agreement also includes joint efforts on program planning and development as well as teaching and learning activities. 

This latest HSPP initiative leverages the expertise and combined resources of both Humber and Seneca for the benefit of our respective students. When we formed the HSPP we were focused on collaboration rather than competition and we are proud to be able to work together to increase access to world-class education in Ontario.

Since its creation, the HSPP has promoted broad co-operation and collaboration between Humber and Seneca while enhancing and expanding learning opportunities for students at both institutions.

In addition to this latest agreement, the HSPP has also provided opportunities for international collaboration, to improve youth employment in the Maldives, as well as joint procurement for shared efficiencies between the two colleges. 

Students can find information on these pathways and how to access them as well as more details about the HSPP on