Humber College 2023 Employment Equity Report

The Office of Human Rights & Harassment invites the Humber Community to read the 2023 Employment Equity Report

Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber are committed to workplace equity, diversity and inclusion. Employment Equity is a term used in Canada to describe a process for achieving equity in all aspects of employment. Humber complies voluntarily with the Employment Equity Act under the Federal Contractors Program.

Our sincere thanks to all employees who have completed the EEQ. Having up-to-date knowledge of our workforce representation is essential in accurately identifying where underrepresentation exists and allows for targeted efforts toward removing barriers and addressing that underrepresentation.

All full-time and non-full-time employees are invited to complete the Employment Equity Questionnaire (EEQ). Employees are also welcome to update their responses, as needed, to the EEQ. Please note - the completion of Humber’s Employment Equity Questionnaire is voluntary.

The information that you provide in the EEQ will be kept confidential and will only be reported in aggregate form for Employment Equity purposes. In other words, the reported data will not contain any personal identifying information.

Please visit the Office of Human Rights & Harassment website to learn more, or contact with any questions.

Thank you for your continued dedication to equity at Humber.