Humber Research Ethics Board: Call for Applications for New Members

The Humber Research Ethics Board (HREB) has an institutional mandate to conduct an ethics review of all proposals for research involving human participants which will be conducted within the Humber Community, with the use of Humber resources or otherwise under the auspices of Humber. The HREB reviews research applications to ensure that all ethical issues are adequately identified and addressed. Serving on the HREB offers an excellent opportunity for Humber faculty to demonstrate a strong commitment to the institution and make a significant contribution to supporting the development of a strong research ethics framework at Humber.

The HREB is seeking to recruit four (4) full-time members. Applications are invited from all interested Humber full-time faculty who meet the following eligibility criteria:

(i) minimum of a Master’s Degree; and

(ii) experience in conducting research.

HREB Members are appointed for an initial term of two years and are eligible for two renewals up to a maximum period of six years. If interested, please submit a Curriculum Vitae to by Friday, October 13, 2023.

To obtain more information about what is involved in being a member of the HREB, including the time commitments associated with being a member, please contact the Chair, Audel Cunningham at