Humber has joined the “call to action” in allyship with the Holland Bloorview campaign DEAR EVERYBODY. Holland Bloorview is the leading children’s rehabilitation hospital in Toronto.
This important social justice movement aims to elevate the visibility of kids and youth with disabilities in marketing, communication and advertising.
While the scope is specific to media, Accessible Learning Services with the full endorsement of our Student Success and Engagement division have made a commitment to move this agenda forward and broaden the attention as a community partner as the first post-secondary institution to participate in this initiative highlighting the need to practice true acceptance within the academic landscape.
Persons with disabilities are 6.2 million strong in Canada and represent roughly 10% of Humber’s learners. Despite this, persons with disabilities continue to be an equity deserving voice who are underemployed, experience food and shelter security challenges and continue to remain stigmatized and underrepresented.
Accessible Learning Services matches the communal goal of demanding a shift in mindset around the inclusion of this vital group of individuals necessary to keep society accountable to all its citizens.
This campaign aligns with Humber’s mission through our priorities set out in the Strategic Plan to build healthy campuses and creating accessible education free from barriers and will be cemented as an institutional responsibility through our new Humber Tomorrow objectives.
We invite you to visit the DEAR EVERYBODY website to learn more about this pledge and encourage Humber staff and learners to participate by sharing and signing the #DearEverybody Agreement.
Please stay tuned for future communication about this important project.
Desta McCalla
Associate Director, Accessible Learning Services