As we continue to work and learn at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we created the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.
Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:
Faculty of Media & Creative Arts
First-year Theatre Performance students will share their production of Red Dog tonight at 7 p.m. on Directed by Colin Edwards with voice coaching by Heather Hill, Red Dog is prerecorded, but made in live collaboration via Zoom. It began as a piece of physical theatre but became an experimental film after the College moved to online instruction. The students collaborated on all aspects of the production, including the above poster.
Check out what FMCA students are up to while physical distancing. Featured above is second year @humbertheatre student’s @acrosetheuniverse’s top picks while staying indoors. Aaron recommends listening to Off Camera with Sam Jones and the SUGAR (remix) while solo walking outside or dancing. His go to movie right now is Shaun of the Dead and TV show, Avator: The Last Airbender.
Humber College Fitness – North Campus
Get ready to work out! Humber Fitness North has started a YouTube channel to house all their fitness videos. Check out this great collection to help you stay healthy. From proper squats to meditation and stretching, there’s something for everyone.
Individual Tips From Humber Staff
Leanne Henwood-Adam, Fitness Coordinator,has clever ideas to reduce waste and make delicious food. She keeps a Ziploc freezer bag in and her freezer and whenever she has veggie scraps that would normally be thrown into the green bin, she adds them into the freezer bag. When it’s full, she puts them into a pot of water with herbs and spices and it turns into a tasty veggie broth! The veggie scraps can then be drained and added to the green bin.
Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to