Humber's New Green Team Guide!

June 12, 2013

One of Humber’s Core values is “Sustainability by considering the social and environmental costs and benefits in all of our decision making” (Humber Strategic Plan 2008-2013). We are trying to reach a goal to have a Green Team in every department and school on each campus. Let’s work together to make the culture at Humber a little more sustainable!

Does your department or school have a Green Team?

  • YES! Then please make sure that I know and have you on my list of Green Teams! and keep reading...
  • No. Then read on!

What is a Green Team?

A Humber department/school Green Team is a collaborative group of faculty, staff and students volunteering to take specific actions to help the college reduce its collective footprint. Green Teams find ways to operate in a more efficient, innovative and healthy way that fits with their department/school.

What does a Green Team do?

Green Teams can do small or larger initiatives, that suit and interest their department/schools. They communicate these initiatives to the college and the Sustainability Coordinating Committee (SCC), as well as share information about new college-wide initiatives and events from the SCC to their staff, faculty and students.

I don’t have a lot of extra time, will it be time consuming?

You make of it what works for you and your department/school. Some of our current Green Teams aim to plan at least one event from their department for their campus once per semester. Others help to share information from the SCC to their staff and faculty and support events planned at a college level. You can do special material recycling collections or share environmental facts of the week with your colleagues. You and your Team decide what type and level of initiatives work for you. Don’t forget, the SCC and I are here to help!

How do I start a Green Team in my department/school?

Take a look at our Humber Green Team Guide and Project Ideas on our website at:

Happy Greening Humber!

For more information, download the full Humber Green Team Guide, visit us online or contact  Lindsay Walker:

Phone:  416.675.6622 ext. 5829