Increasing Accessibility at Humber - Accessibility Awareness Training for Educators

September 12, 2013

             Are you a Humber employee who is involved with the instruction, design and/or delivery of courses?

All full-time, part-time, sessional and contract employees who are responsible for the design, delivery and/or instruction of courses at Humber are required to complete the online Accessibility Awareness Training for Educators, as legislated by the AODA (2005).

To access the online Accessibility Awareness Training for Educators module:

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Scroll down to “Training Programs” and click on the tab: “AODA Training for Educators”

Step 3: On completion of training:
I. Fill in your name on the certificate;
II. Fill in the date of completion on the certificate; and
III. Email the certificate to


Thank you for ensuring Humber’s compliance with the AODA (2005).

For assistance, please contact Stephanie Latty, AODA Coordinator at or at 416.675.6622 ext. 5647.