Indigenous Education & Engagement and Humber Libraries Present: The Maamwi Hub

The Maamwi Hub is inspired by the TRC 94 Calls to Action to ensure that the 24 Colleges of Ontario lead in the education of staff and students on the diverse Indigenous histories, cultures, and current Indigenous worldviews. The word "Maamwi" means "together" in Anishinaabemowin, one of the many spoken Indigenous languages in the territory currently referred to as Ontario.

The Maamwi Hub includes:

  • Learning resources on the history, culture and perspectives of Indigenous Peoples.
  • Learning resources on conducting research respectfully and responsibly.
  • Resources to support curriculum development that promotes Indigenous awareness.
  • Resources to connect, collaborate and support each other on the path to reconciliation.

We hope that the Maamwi Hub will be a part of your ongoing reconciliation journey. It serves as a pathway to an authentic commitment to learn and reflect on the past and present impacts of colonial history on Indigenous Peoples in Canada, and to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Indigenous cultures, knowledges, and worldviews.

The Maamwi Hub came to fruition in 2022 to serve the information needs of the 24 Colleges in Ontario including students, faculty, researchers, and local Indigenous communities. From its inception, the new Hub was developed in close consultation with the Ontario College’s Indigenous Peoples Education Circle (IPEC) and was directed by the Maamwi Steering Committee. The Maamwi Hub continues to grow and evolve through collaborations and consultations with various stakeholders.