Interested in helping your students improve their grades?

March 2, 2015

Supplemental Instruction (The PASS Program) is looking for new Faculty Partners! 

If you are teaching a difficult course and are looking for a way to enrich your students’ learning, we can help! Supplemental Instruction (The PASS Program) is a new initiative being offered by the Peer Programs office and we are looking for faculty partners.

What is SI?

  • A weekly peer facilitated study session for students
  • Provides opportunity for students to review and enhance their learning of course material with their peers
  • Systematic and disciplined approach for helping students learn material assigned by the class professor

How does it work?

  • If you are interested in partnering with us, we will hire, train and supervise the SI student leaders, but we will need your help and support with the following;
  • Support with identifying the best times for scheduling SI sessions for your students
  • Allowing the SI leaders to attend your classes so they can keep up to date on the weekly content and plan for the study session
  • Encouraging your current students to attend SI sessions

For more information, please contact us: 
Melanie Chai at  or Karalee Dell at