The International Development Institute

July 19, 2016

In order to better serve the college community through a wider engagement of faculty, staff and students in Humber’s International Development initiatives we are pleased to announce the move of the International Development Institute from the Business School to the International Centre. A key objective within Humber’s Internationalization Strategy is advancing initiatives that provide opportunities for faculty and students to contribute to international development initiatives globally through:

  • The recruitment of faculty and students to engage in international development projects
  • The identification of new initiatives for the International Development Institute
  • And identifying and developing international development proposals for funding leading to increased project work across sectors and regions around the globe.

Humber has a long history of capacity development initiatives beginning in the 1970’s with Technical Vocational institutions in the Caribbean. Since the early 1990s the International Development Institute has been involved in a number of development initiatives through the leadership and expertise within the Business School and is currently executing a Global Affairs Canada funded program with seven university partners in Indonesia. 

Over the next year focus will be on identifying an internal advisory council to engage faculty and staff in the identification of strengths and key areas of focus for proposal and project development.  You can find out more about IDI from the website or by contacting Diane Simpson at or Asha Gervan at

Alister Mathieson
Vice President Advancement and External Affairs   
Alvina Cassiani
Dean, The Business School