Introducing the Cross-Institutional Committees Webpage

October 22, 2014

Over the past several months, an ad hoc committee of the Executive Advisory Council (EAC) has compiled a list of Humber’s cross-institutional committees and developed resources to support effective committee function at Humber. The recommendations of the ad hoc committee were presented to EAC and have been endorsed by the executive team.

At this time, we are pleased to inform the Humber community that a website has been developed to share information related to cross-institutional committees with all Humber staff. We intend for this site to be used as a resource not just for committee chairs and members, but for the broader community of faculty and staff. In the spirit of our commitment to transparency and collaboration, the site will serve as a central repository for information about Humber committees and will promote information sharing across the college.

Please visit the Cross-Institutional Committees page of the We Are Humber internal website for faculty and staff at

The site includes a developing list of committees with a cross-institutional mandate and focus, with links to information about committee membership, mandate and meeting documentation. In the resources section, visitors can access a template to support the development/revision of an effective Terms of Reference, a document detailing common nomenclature and naming protocol for Humber committees, as well as a sample evaluation tool for use by committees to track their progress and efficacy.

Our thanks to committee chairs, who shared information and documentation, and to EAC for timely feedback and advice. Given the evolving nature of these committees and their work, we anticipate ongoing review of the site and welcome feedback at We believe that this resource will help all of us to better understand the important work of Humber’s committees and encourage you to take a look at the site.

Best regards,
EAC ad hoc committee on committees

Scott Briggs, chief information officer, IT Services (chair)
Kathy Cowan Sahadath, director, HR Services
Amy Kaufman, manager, Planning & Government Relations
Olga Lalka, director, Marketing
Elaine Popp, associate vice-president, Academic