Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) - Annual Issue (2022)

Humber Press, Office of Research & Innovation, is pleased to announce the release of the latest issue of the Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE). This annual issue is a consolidation of submissions that have been accepted for publication in 2022. 

The past few years of the pandemic have made an indelible impact on the economic, social and cultural fabrics of our society. Creating and sharing new knowledge have taken on a renewed urgency as communities around the world seek to rebuild a world that meets the ever-changing needs of the times. 

The new issue of JIPE highlights research studies from authors from across Canada and internationally. The articles provide valuable insights on responding to challenges with adaptability and resilience while shedding light on the importance of research and innovation.  

Don’t forget that JIPE is accepting submissions on a rolling basis. Please visit to learn more. Questions can be directed to Read the 2022 annual issue today.

About JIPE

The Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is an online, open-access journal for peer-reviewed papers that mobilize knowledge and insights generated by the global polytechnic community. JIPE is electronically published by Humber Press at Humber College’s Office of Research & Innovation. 

JIPE publishes original research papers, review articles, brief reports, book reviews and our “micro-dissemination” options: innovation spotlights and essays. The journal welcomes submissions from researchers, seasoned and emerging scholars across the polytechnic and community college sectors, both within and outside Canada.