L space Gallery: Upcoming Exhibitions

December 16, 2013

Winter 2014 Exhibitions

The L Space Gallery hosts exhibitions which are coordinated by Humber faculty, staff, and the Lakeshore Community. So what can these exhibitions do for you? Take a look at our upcoming programs, find links to your own program, and come visit with your colleagues and students! 

Constructing Through Research

Exhibition runs from December 17, 2013, to January 14, 2014

Research plays an important role in theatre arts. Through exploring historical styles and design, the theatre artist can discover many things about current materials and methods.

In this exhibit, the graduating students of the Theatre Production program at Humber College have used the motifs and styles from Egyptian art and folklore to expand their knowledge of a culture as well as practical methods of construction in costume, scenic paint, properties and carpentry.

Pixel Perfect

Exhibition runs from January 20, 2014, to February 14, 2014

Showcasing projects and Creative Advertising, Bachelor of Arts work done for Humber AdCentre.

Nurses of Ubuntu

Exhibition runs from February 24, 2014, to March 12, 2014

Nursing Students in the School of Health Sciences have been exploring concepts of cultural awakening and civic engagement by traveling to Tanzania and Jamaica and working with local communities. The work exhibited captures the images of these nursing students as they experience togetherness, honour compassion, allow tolerance and propagate harmony.

Industrial Design Exhibition

Exhibition runs from March 18, 2014, to April 1, 2014

An exhibition of student work from the Design Class, Faculty of Interior Design. It will include models, drawings, and process photos.

League for Innovation Student Art Competition

Exhibition runs from April 4, 2014 to April 11, 2014

This show includes first, second, third, honourable mentions, juror’s choice and all Lakeshore campus selections which will be on display for the 28th annual student art competition.

Visual & Digital Arts

Exhibition runs from April 15, 2014 to May 1, 2014
This exhibit includes a culmination of two years of student portfolio pieces by the Visual & Digital Arts graduating class.

For more information, please click here.

Call for Submissions: Summer 2014
Have an idea for an exhibition?

L Space is currently accepting applications for June to August, 2014. Please contact tara.mazurk@humber.ca to receive an application form. Deadline January 31, 2014.