Leadership Initiative Fund

The first cycle of the Leadership Initiation Fund is now open for applications.

The Leadership Initiative Fund (LIF) is a new program that provides funding for students who wish to run an initiative or event on campus. The LIF is administered by the Department of Student Life and Equity, Humber College. The LIF program recognizes the importance of student involvement and engagement in the creation of a vibrant campus community. This funding aims to support students whose initiatives or events will contribute to our institutional and community values. If successful, students will have the opportunity to host their program on campus, and learn the ins and outs of how to create, run, and evaluate their own program. 

All funded projects must support the creation of a Healthy and Inclusive Community and submissions must fall under one of the three pillars: 1. 2. 3. Decisions for the awarding of funds are made by the LIF committee, which is made up of staff from the Department of Student Life and Equity, as well as IGNITE.

The Wear it Sustainable: Pop-up thrift store is an example of an initiative funded by LIF and hosted by Humber fashion students and the Humber styling squad. Visit our recap of the event on Instagram or scan this QR code:  


The first cycle of applications will close on October 20.  

For more information, visit: https://humber.ca/leadershipprograms

If you have any inquiries about LIF, please contact lead@humber.ca.