May 12 is Women in Mathematics Day

May 12 is Women in Mathematics Day and every year mathematical communities around the world organize events to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in the field of mathematics. The day aims to inspire young women everywhere to pursue a love for mathematics and to encourage an open, welcoming and inclusive work environment for all.

May 12 was chosen to commemorate the birth date of Professor Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman and first Iranian to win the Fields Medal in 2014 – the most prestigious award in mathematics. To date Maryam is the only woman to win the Fields Medal since its inception in 1936. Three years after winning her award, Maryam died at the age of 40 after battling cancer. A documentary film titled Secrets of the Surface: The Mathematical Vision Maryam Mirzakhani was filmed in Canada, Iran and the United States and examines the life and mathematical work of Maryam Mirzakhani.

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, Humber's Mathematics, Research Skills and Analysis department had to cancel the Women in Math Day event planned for May 12 at the Lakeshore Campus. But all is not lost! We are happy to share that you can still be part of the celebration while staying at home. Thanks to Zala Films and the May12 Initiative, the documentary film is now available for free individual (or close family) screening. To apply for a free indvidual screening (only once until May 19), fill out the form here.

Take part in Women in Mathematics Day and be a part of the online conversation using #womeninmaths #may12 #may12WIM.

To learn more about the May 12 initiative and other events happening around the world, visit