Meet the COI Network

Humber's COI Network comprises five COIs that focus on key areas of proven strength and industry sector growth, Technology Innovation, Creative Business Innovation, Innovation in Health & Wellness, Entrepreneurship, and Social Innovation.

COIs provide an experiential learning environment for Humber students and prepares them to become the innovative and strategic problem-solvers of tomorrow while providing all kinds of organizations the room to innovate and succeed—empowering them to meet the challenges of today’s economy through innovation.

Meet the COI Network Team

The COI Network brings together talented people with the insight, imagination and skills to put ideas into action. Our COI teams examine problems from many different angles, leveraging their diverse backgrounds and industry expertise to disrupt traditional thinking and design creative, user-centred solutions.

Centre for Social Innovation (CSI)

Developing solutions for complex and everyday challenges.

Daniel Bear, Director

Longo Centre for Entrepreneurship (Longo CfE)

Fostering entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial innovation. 

John Lam, Director

Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation (Barrett CTI)

Mobilizing the power of innovation. 

Neal Mohammed, Director

Centre for Creative Business Innovation (CCBI)

Explore your questions through multi-disciplinary collaboration.

Jennifer Gordon, Director

Centre for Innovation in Health & Wellness (CIHW)

Innovative solutions for a healthier tomorrow. 

Vanita Varma, Director

For more information on the COI Network, visit or reach out to Tyler Charlebois, Director, Centres of Innovation Network and Partnership Development.