New Fine Copy Paper Contract

September 29, 2014

"Providing Best Value and Services with Public Funds"

After a collaborative competitive bidding process through OECM, Humber is awarding the fine paper contract to Staples Advantage Canada for a firm 3-year term with 2 optional 1-year terms.

Effective October 19, 2014

The new paper contract will be:
8.5” x 11” paper will change to 50% post consumer waste paper from 30% post consumer waste.

  • 50% recycled fiber meets stringent government criteria for post consumer waste
  • Thousands of sheets successfully tested for reliability by ITS.
  • Saves trees, energy, water and landfill space.

What does this mean to Humber?  Through the collaborative bidding process and greater overall volumes we will acquire the “greener” paper with no cost increase from previous contract (ca mpus wide) saving approximately 76,203 pounds or 38.1 tons of CO2 and it also saves approximately 137 tons of wood use.

All other paper sizes will continue to be FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Certified.

All Schools/Departments will continue to order their paper through central receiving.

Pricing for this contract can be found on the secure financial website

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