New JIPE Article: Learning In The New Digital Era

Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is pleased to announce the publication of Learning In The New Digital Era: Are Polytechnic Education Institutions Up For The Challenge? Are There Lessons To Be Learnt From Sun Tze's Ancient Text "The Art of War" by Dr. Cory Ross and Isabelle Callahan-Nasser.  


We are all aware that post-secondary education in Canada and the world is changing. There are ongoing changes to curriculum, programs and delivery methods. The Canadian polytechnic institutions are at the forefront of the change. Like a virus, they are undergoing recombination at a rapid rate in order to change with the times. The technological and digital advances coupled with the need for just in time education is reshaping how we think and deliver on the polytechnic promise.   

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About JIPE 

Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is an online, open-access journal for peer-reviewed papers that mobilize knowledge and insights generated by the global polytechnic community. JIPE is electronically published by Humber Press at Humber College’s Office of Research & Innovation. JIPE is accepting submissions on a rolling basis. To learn more about JIPE, please visit or email