Ontario College Student Experience Survey is Coming

Ontario Colleges Student Experience Survey


Humber is committed to continuous quality improvement and engaging students in this process. Beginning June 10, the college will administer the online Ontario Colleges Student Experience Survey (OCSES) that has replaced the previous ministry KPI Student Satisfaction survey. This survey will measure student experiences related to teaching and learning quality, program related knowledge and skills, work integrated learning (if applicable), and student services and resources. The results of the survey will allow the college to identify strengths and areas of improvement.


Students in full-time, funded programming who began their studies in Winter 2024 and are currently enrolled in their second semester will receive a personal survey link on Monday, June 10. The survey will remain open until Friday, June 21 at midnight.  Key messaging will be communicated to students by Humber to promote the survey and encourage completion.  In order to achieve an optimal response to this survey, facilitators/instructors will be present in classes selected by the Faculties to explain the purpose of the survey to students, provide direction for survey completion and allot class time to complete the survey (approximately 10-15 minutes).

For questions about the survey, please contact Jean O’Donnell at Jean.o’donnell@humber.ca.