Ontario Government Announcement About Post-Secondary Funding and Applied Master’s

On Monday, February 26, the provincial government announced $1.3 billion in funding over three years for the post-secondary education sector. We are appreciative of this new investment and are awaiting further information from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. Today’s funding announcement is an important first step in bolstering the financial sustainability of Ontario’s post-secondary sector. 

The provincial government also announced its intention to allow colleges to offer Applied Master’s programs with an aim to have these programs meet the needs of employers and prepare students to be industry ready, in fields such as advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and animation. 

Humber has always been at the forefront of innovation and the creation of applied master’s programs has been one of our advocacy priorities. This past spring, our board approved the creation of an Applied Master's program in Advanced Manufactuing, and we submitted the program to the Ministry for approval. We expect to learn the details about the approval timelines for new applied master’s degree programs in the coming weeks. 

Humber is a leader in advanced manufacturing and has worked closely with industry partners to address the challenges and opportunities facing the sector, including through the establishment of the Advanced Manufacturing Skills Consortium and the work taking place within the Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation.  

The province is introducing the Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024. If passed, this would authorize the Minister to issue directives requiring colleges and universities to provide information about ancillary fees and other student costs, including costs for textbooks and other learning materials. It would also require that institutions have policies in place relating to mental health and wellness supports as well as policies to combat racism and hate. 

Please view the full Ministry announcement for more details.