Photo Consent Form - Humber Communiqué Announcement

October 13, 2015

Marketing and Communications has updated the Photo Consent Form, used when collecting testimonials and audio-visual material in the promotion or advertising of Humber programs and services. The revised form makes reference to Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, as well as Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) with a note on how personal information may be used for future correspondence.
This form should be signed by any adult appearing in a photograph or video on behalf of Humber. If you can clearly see a person’s face and facial features, then a consent form must be signed whether they are staff, student or Humber guest. Always have copies on-hand at student presentations and campus events.
Best Practices:
Once signed, scan the form and save indefinitely on your school or department’s I:drive folder. See the link below to download the form.
Event Photography:
When you are planning on taking photographs or video of a Humber event (on or off campus) with lots of people, it would be beneficial to post the Event Photography Poster at entrances so that guests know photography or video will be taken at the event. See the link below to download the poster.
Visit to download the new Photo Consent Form.
Humber Policies and Procedures:
Read more about Humber’s policies at
If you have any questions, please contact Marie Kyrinis at