Professional Development Leaves - Sabbaticals

November 9, 2015

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEAVE (SABBATICALS) for the academic year 2016 - 2017

Deadline for Submission:  January 8, 2016

Professional Development Leave (Article 20) permits a limited number of academic employees to pursue College-approved academic, technical, industrial or other pursuits which will enhance the ability of the teacher, counsellor or librarian upon return to the College.                       

The College will notify Professional Development leave applicants by March 4, 2016 regarding the disposition of their applications. 

In the event that there are not enough approved applications for Professional Development Leave by March 4, 2016 the College will inform employees that additional applications will be considered if submitted by March 11, 2016 for the period from September 2016 to August 2017. 

Application Process

  1. Applications are made in the form of a letter that incorporates the required information (as outlined below) organized by section.  You are advised to consult with your Dean / Director during the development of your proposal.
  2. Your Professional Development Leave Application must be submitted to your Dean / Director not later than noon on January 8, 2016.
  3. The applications will be forwarded to the Office of the Senior Vice-President, Academic.  They are then ranked based on seniority and are reviewed at a meeting of the Academic Leadership Council.                 

Outline for Proposal

a) Name, Program, Division/School.
b) Identify start and end dates for the leave.
c) Describe the overall objectives of the leave.
d) Provide a plan of the activities which you will undertake to achieve these objectives and the measurable outcomes to be achieved.
e) Identify how the objectives will benefit:

  • You, and how they will enhance your abilities upon return to the College;
  • Student learning.

Examples of Pro Dev Leaves that have been approved over the past number of years include:

  • a graduate degree in a discipline related to the vocational field that enabled the faculty member to develop and/or teach a new course or courses at an advanced level;
  • a placement in industry, including specific training opportunities, in which the faculty member obtains an industry certification relevant to teaching responsibilities;
  • faculty expertise upgraded in professional software applications to prepare upper-level courses;
  • professional designation which enabled the faculty member to teach specialized subjects,       i.e., C.F.P., C.H.R.P, C.M.A.;
  • faculty member completed a resource guide on careers and educational programs in their field including bibliographies and web sites for further reading and research.

f) Identify the resources required from the college (if any).
g) Identify the resources provided by the faculty member (if any).
h) Identify whether there will be materials developed during the Leave and specify if these will or will not become the property of Humber College.
i) List and describe any paid employment (if any) that will be undertaken during the leave period.  Indicate the amount of time and remuneration associated with this employment.

Please Note

Your Professional Development Leave proposal application will be reviewed.  Approved submissions will then be rank-ordered based on seniority, as required by the Collective Agreement.  Should your plan of activities or outcomes change, you must submit a description of the change, in writing, to your Dean. 

Contact: MaryAnn Rad, 416.675.6622 ext. 4545,