Public Safety Award Winners

I am pleased to announce that two members of our Public Safety Team have been honoured by receiving awards at this year's OACUSA (Ontario Association of College and University Security Administrators) annual conference and business meeting.  

MaryAnn Gregoris, Manager, Fire Safety and Security Systems received the very prestigious OACUSA Award of Excellence. 

MaryAnn has been a long-term employee of Humber College (37 years) and a dedicated leader within the Department of Public Safety. She continuously steps up to undertake any challenge I ask of her and works diligently every day to make all of us in the department better. She is a force to reckon with and cares deeply about the people of Humber College and the safety and security of us all on campus. I'm very proud to have her as part of our team and very proud that her efforts and professionalism have been rewarded, so well deserved!

Adnan Salam, Assistant Manager Security Operations - North Campus, was awarded the OACUSA President's Recognition Award.   

Not only is Adnan a superstar here at Humber, he is also regarded as such within OACUSA. Adnan has been a volunteer leader on the OACUSA Board for several years, serving as the Director of Memberships and Awards. Adnan was recognized by OACUSA President Cathy O'Donnell for his dedication and leadership within the organization. Adnan is an emerging leader in the security profession and I expect big things for him as his career progresses. Just watch!

Please join me in congratulating MaryAnn and Adnan. Their dedication and leadership within our profession is being noticed, and that bodes very well for our campus security program at Humber College.

Rob Kilfoyle, CPP, CMM III Security Executive
Director, Public Safety and Emergency Management