Q&A with Chris Whitaker

August 8, 2012

Humber Today sat down with Chris Whitaker to find out more about him, his journey to Humber and his vision for the college.

What attracted you to Humber?

Having worked in the Ontario College sector for 25 years, I’ve watched as Humber has led the system into what it is today; 24 colleges whose ultimate goal is produce job-ready graduates. I want the opportunity to be part of the great things happening at Humber because the college developed the polytechnic vision better than any other institution. Humber’s experienced faculty, breadth of programs, range of credentials, pathways to degree completion, and community engagement truly make the institution the leading college in the province, if not the country.

What is your incoming message to the Humber community?

My message to the Humber community is that we’re going to continue to build on our successes to date. We’re going to keep offering industry-guided programs that reflect the modern economy and give students the education and training that employers want. We’re going to continue to provide a high-quality teaching and learning environment by hiring industry-connected faculty and supporting them to excel in the classroom and engage students. We’re going to make sure that all employees know of their contributions to student success in the classroom and we’re going to keep celebrating the diversity, inclusiveness and collaboration of the Humber community within the college and throughout our neighbourhoods.

What opportunities do you see for Humber in the coming years?

I see great things for students. We will continue to expand our access and our pathways. We will give more prospective students the opportunity to attend college and earn a postsecondary credential, and we’ll give current students more options and choices to add to their credentials. We’ll continue to provide the support services to students who need it.

What, or who, inspires you?

I take inspiration from many people, including my family, colleagues and those I interact with every day. I’m most inspired by people who want to be successful, whatever success means to them; by people who work to overcome their personal challenges in order to make themselves better, and by those who help others seeking to make a difference in their or someone else’s life.

What do you want the Humber community to know about you?

I most want the Humber community to know that I’m going to ask questions and I’m going to listen to their answers. I’m a life-long learner and I’m interested in people and their stories. I’m excited to learn what brought people to Humber and how we can continue to make the college a great place to study and work.

Quick Facts:

  • Chris is the fourth president in Humber’s history
  • Prior to Humber, Chris was President and CEO at St. Lawrence College
  • Chris is married with three children
  • Chris’ favourite hockey team is the Toronto Maple Leafs
  • Chris’ favourite band is the Rolling Stones