Purchasing Services would like to remind staff to review the Purchasing Procedures regarding the proper process for disposing of surplus or obsolete equipment. Following this process ensures that assets are tracked properly, conflicts of interest are avoided, and we uphold the principles of sustainability and value for money.
In summary:
- Departments/Faculties must communicate surplus or obsolete items to other budget holders, allowing them the opportunity to utilize the items before disposal or sale.
- Purchasing Services will assist in this process by posting items to the Communiqué.
- The sale of surplus or obsolete equipment must be conducted via public auction, tender, or quotation.
- Purchasing Services will lead this process by posting assets to GovDeals (except for computer-related goods, which should be directed to ITS, and furniture, which should be directed to Rebecca Muyal).
- The disposal of surplus or obsolete items is the responsibility of Facilities Management and Purchasing Services, in collaboration with the Vice President, Administration, and CFO (or designate).
- Every effort must be made to avoid sending items to landfill.
- Any funds recovered from the sale of surplus or obsolete equipment will be returned to the college’s central account.
To post an asset for sale, please complete the Asset Disposal Form (attached) and send to purchasing@humber.ca, along with photos of the asset. Before posting the asset for public auction, please obtain the current book value from treasury@humber.ca to determine the list price. Note that assets cannot be removed once posted for auction.
Please contact purchasing@humber.ca if you have any questions or require assistance.