Reminder: Using BCC

As we strive to maintain the highest standards of privacy protection, we'd like to remind everyone of the importance of using the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) feature when sending emails to multiple recipients.

It is best practice when emailing non-employed recipients (i.e. students, prospective students, prospective employees, donors, and other external individuals) to send individual messages to single recipients.

When it is necessary to send a message to multiple recipients, please remember to use the BCC function to shield the recipients’ email addresses from other recipients.

Why using BCC is important:

  • Privacy Protection: BCC shields the email addresses of recipients, preserving their privacy and preventing inappropriate disclosure of personal information.
  • Avoids Reply-All: BCC prevents "Reply-All" responses to all recipients.
  • Professionalism: Using BCC maintains Humber’s professional image and reputation.

Failing to use BCC when required is a privacy breach under FIPPA. Learn more about Humber’s Privacy Breach Procedure.

Protecting privacy is everyone’s responsibility. Please take your time before hitting “send” on emails to multiple recipients, and double check that the recipients email addresses are in the BCC field.

Thank you for your assistance. For more information, contact: