Request to Reduce Electricity Use!

July 18, 2013

The weather forecast in Toronto indicates the current high temperatures and humidity will persist into the weekend. This sustained weather condition is putting a significant strain on Toronto Hydro’s distribution system and is increasing the risk of power outages due to near record peak demands and the potential for electrical overloading.

We are reaching out to ask that we all try to make every effort to reduce energy use as members of the Toronto community, to do our part.

At work:

  • Remember to turn off all lights when you leave for the day, and in rooms you aren’t using. Work using only daylight if possible!
  • Remember to turn off your computer and monitors at the end of the day, and before you leave for the weekend.
  • Turn off and unplug any electronic equipment that you aren’t using. Anything with a light or clock on it is using energy all the time!
  • Are you too cold? Please don’t use a space heater if you are in an area that is typically cold. Please contact Facilities Management if you are uncomfortable!
  • Keep the windows closed, we don’t want to cool the outdoors!

At home:

  • Turn up your thermostat a few degrees. It’s ok to use air conditioning to stay cool, but not so much that you need to wear a sweater inside. Turn it off when you are not at home. As a rule of thumb, Toronto Hydro suggests your thermostat should be set to 25.5°C, or higher if comfort permits.
  • Only cool the rooms that you are using. Close vents to areas in your home that you aren’t going to be in.
  • Keep window shades drawn during the afternoon to minimize heat gain from the sun.
  • Use the cold setting on your washer and hang clothes to dry. Do your wash in the evenings.
  • Adjust your hot water thermostat so your water heater isn’t working as hard.
  • Avoid using heat producing appliances such as ovens and dishwashers during the hottest part of the day.
  • Use a fan to circulate air.
  • Check that your air conditioner filter is clean.

For more information, please contact Lindsay Walker
Phone: 416-805-8970