Retirement Annoucement

June 17, 2013

Student Success and Engagement bids farewell to 118 years of dedicated service!

There are a number of retirements to announce in Student Success and Engagement, which will be met with mixed emotions but celebrated all the same.

Doug Fox will retire from the role of Director, Athletics and Recreation, effective August 31st, 2013. Doug has served students, staff, faculty, alumni and the community for thirty-five years, and has led Humber to unprecedented success in Varsity sport provincially and nationally. Doug will be missed by the “Hawk family”, Humber College and the intercollegiate athletic community.

Karen Fast will retire from the role of Manager, Career Services, having made countless contributions to student success in program and after graduation. Karen began employment with Humber in 1971, and has been a strong, collaborative leader and a “team player” who could be depended upon to facilitate departmental initiatives such as the redesign of all Student Success and Engagement websites. Karen will be missed by her team, the department and the many great friends she has made at the college.

Vinnie Mitchell is retiring after serving the Humber community for 33 years as a Counsellor. During that time she has supported countless students, and provided leadership to the Tragic Events Support Network. Under Vinnie's guidance, this community response group has offered critical support to our community members at times of greatest need. Vinnie will be best remembered for being there to support others when they most needed it.

Catherine Wilson-Cheverie has been supporting students full time as a Counsellor since 2005, having additionally spent several years on campus in various roles during the 80's and 90's. She is a known and well-respected member of the Lakeshore community, with a passion for service. She has served as a professional support for students on international service trips, and been a participant in the Leave for Change program.