SEDS Job Postings

April 16, 2014

Humber’s Sulawesi Economic Development Strategy (SEDS) project is hiring for positions in the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.

The positions are based in Manado, North Sulawesi, and Makassar, South Sulawesi and range from four-six months (two-six months in Indonesia).

Do you have teaching and training experience along with recent and relevant business experience?

SEDS Workshop #3 Facilitator

  • Four month assignment: fall 2014 (two months in Indonesia).
  • Goal: To design and deliver a series of workshops on curriculum development for entrepreneurship.

SEDS Applied Entrepreneurship Curriculum Development Advisor

  • Six month assignment.
  • Goal: To work with lecturers at our seven partner polytechnics to develop applied entrepreneurship curriculum for various courses or programs of study at their schools.

How to Apply:

Sulawesi Economic Development Strategy (SEDS) – Overview
SEDS is a 5 year, $4.6 million project funded by DFATD and implemented by Humber in partnership with 7 partner universities in North and South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Through a train the trainer approach, SEDS is building the capacities of its partners to develop and deliver applied entrepreneurship academic programs, provide support services directly to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and support networking with MSME stakeholders.

Learn more about Humber’s SEDS project at: