Showcase 2014 - Thank You Humber Community

June 16, 2014


On behalf of this year’s showcase committee, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude and heartfelt thanks for your participation in a successful Showcase 2014.

With 800 registrants, over 760 participants attending 70 workshops we hope that this year’s event engaged, inspired and excited you about “The Art of Possibilities”. 

A collection of memories from Showcase 2014: In Concert.

Each year the Showcase Committee looks for new and innovative ideas to capture the minds, hearts, and the imagination of our community.  Your input and feedback on how we did is extremely important.  Please take a few moments to reflect on your experience at Showcase2014 and complete the following questionnaire:

As we look to the future, remember to live the art of possibilities and have fun ‘In Concert’.

Thank you for your contribution!  


Douglas Smith
Showcase 2014 Chair