SPARK Issue #8: Creating Foundations for a Consumer-Informed Compassion-Based Human Services Delivery Framework

SPARK #8 is pleased to be shining the spotlight on Humber’s social innovation project, “Experiences of hope, self-compassion and authentic collaboration: Foundations for a consumer-informed compassion-based human services delivery framework in a Canadian context.”

The research project aims to foster social innovation to address community needs. It provides a pathway to establish the key principles necessary to develop a much-needed consumer-informed, compassion-based human services framework that strengthens the responsiveness of human service delivery in accordance with the aspirations and preferences of Canadian consumers to enhance consumers’ abilities to lead self-directed lives.

The project is led by Tina Lackner and Cristina Alexandra Guerrero, PhD, professors in Humber’s Faculty of Social & Community Services.    

To learn more about this social innovation project, read the article “Experiences of hope, self-compassion and authentic collaboration: Foundations for a consumer-informed compassion-based human services delivery framework in a Canadian context” in SPARK Issue #8.