Stephanie Latty, Human Rights, AODA Co-ordinator

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity | HR Services is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephanie Latty as Humber’s AODA co-ordinator effective July 15, 2013.

Stephanie is a graduate of Ryerson University where she was a member of Ryerson’s University Equity Committee. With sound experience working with people with disabilities, Stephanie will be championing Humber’s AODA efforts. She joins Humber directly after working at the Griffin Centre where she coordinated programs for LGBTQ youth and adults labelled with intellectual disabilities from an integrative anti-racist, anti-oppression, critical disability and youth engagement framework. Additionally, Stephanie worked at Women’s Health in Women’s Hands, where she provided individual counselling to youth and women alongside advocating for individuals with mental health, HIV/AIDS, abuse, addiction and settlement issues.

In her role at Humber, Stephanie will be reporting to Nancy Simms, Director, Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity | HR Services.

Please join me in welcoming Stephanie to the Humber Community!

Nancy Simms
Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity | HR Services

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity ensures that diversity and equity are instilled as values throughout Humber’s inclusive culture.